Heat Exchanger Integrated Services (HEXIS) is a fully automated and integrated system that combines industrial cleaning and non-destructive examination systems.
Amerapex understands that in today’s ever-evolving market, clients that perform scheduled routine and turnaround projects, are driven more than ever to adhere to safety, schedule, and budget demands. HEXIS helps to preserve deadlines and budgets.
HEXIS 2.0 can be performed on air coolers and bundles that are in-situ, further broadening the reach of its capabilities.
Clean and inspect your heat exchanger tube bundles in a fraction of the time with Heat Exchanger Integrated Services (HEXIS).

In order to achieve the highest integrity of tube inspection, HEXIS allows for configuration of the cleaning and inspection processes. Mode types are selected based on the condition of the exchanger tubes to achieve the highest quality of data.
2X1 Mode
Examination X 1 tube
Each tube cleaned twice before a 100% examination is completed.
3X1 Mode
Examination X 1 tube
Provides a 33% examination pattern
2X2 Mode
Examination X2 tubes
Doubles the HEXIS production rate for 100% examination
Utilizes cutting-edge hydroblasting equipment to perform the cleaning of tube IDs. Pressure ranges between 2K and 40K PSI. Turnkey services also provide shell side and component cleaning.
Non-destructive testing utilizes proven electromagnetic techniques to examine the integrity of the exchanger tubes, allowing a variety of flaws and defects to be detected and measured.