Corrosion induced failures are a common cause of losses within industry. Amerapex assists clients minimize expenditures and equipment replacement costs with a comprehensive corrosion services line. Early identification of corrosion and damage mechanism threats, proper selection of corrosion management strategies, and correct implementation of corrosion control activities are vital for safe and efficient operations.

- Corrosion management strategy development, implementation, and ever-greening
- Corrosion management systems
- Corrosion competency, qualification, and training
- Conduct on-site investigations
- Failure & Root Cause Analysis (FA & RCA)
- Corrosion Risk Assessments (CRA)
- Review and assess corrosion monitoring systems
- Review and assess chemical treatment systems
- Review cathodic protection systems
- Review and assessment of coating systems
- Material selection review
- Corrosion studies including Corrosion Control Documents (CCDs)
- Damage Mechanism Review (DMRs) & Integrity Operating Windows (IOWs)
- Materials engineering & Fitness-For-Service (FFS)
- Metallurgical engineering support including welding engineering
- Fabric Maintenance (FM)
- Probes/coupons management
- Pipeline & fixed equipment analysis and assessment