Amerapex assists clients establish or improve their asset integrity management strategies and/or procedures based on recognized best engineering practices, as specified in Process Safety Management (PSM). Our subject matter experts provide our clients a wide variety of solutions across all asset types.

- Applicable regulations, codes, standards, and recommended practices
- Asset integrity strategy, plan development, implementation, and ever-greening
- Roles & responsibilties
- Competency, qualifications, and training
- Methodology
- Documentation requirements
- Quality assurance
- Audit and benchmarking
- Engineering & software support for:
- Asset Performance Management (APM)
- Inspection Data Management Systems (IDMS)
- Mechanical Integrity (MI)
- Risk Based Inspection (RBI) programs
- Reliability programs
- Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)
- Inspection Test Plan (ITP) development including CML optimization
- Pressure systems, structures, pipelines & lifting elements
- Process Safety Management (PSM)
- Inspection optimization & NDE consulting
- Barrier management by Integrity Critical Elements (ICE)