Amerapex assists clients evaluate degraded equipment/components while in-service and empowers them with the technical information required to make decisions on repair, re-rating or decommissioning. Level I, II, and III quantitative engineering evaluations are performed as per API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service to demonstrate both the pressure retaining and/or structural integrity of in-service equipment components and structures that has a flaw or damage reported.

- Damage classification
- General metal loss assessment
- Local metal loss assessment
- Pitting corrosion assessment
- Non-growing crack-like flaw assessment
- Growing crack-like flaw assessment
- Brittle fracture assessment
- Fire damage assessment
- Creep damage assessment
- Fatigue damage assessment
- Misalignment & shell distortion assessment
- Dents, gouges, or dent & gouge assessment
- Laminations assessment
- Pipeline span assessment and FMEA modeling
- Equipment design and suitability for service assessment
- Equipment strategy, piping, and structural FMEA modeling
- FFS procedure strategy and template development
- Equipment piping and structural FMEA modeling