Amerapex helps clients establish process limits that affect the integrity of equipment. These limits may be physical or chemical. Integrity Operating Windows (IOW) is critical for Process Safety Management (PSM). ID and IOW for key process variables is useful for Risk Based Inspection (RBI). Effective IOW monitoring is an early warning that operating conditions are changing. This may lead to equipment integrity being compromised or invalidation of current inspection plans.

- Data collection of needed information to establish IOWs as per API RP 584
- Description of the various types of IOWs needed for process units
- Risk ranking IOWs
- Documenting and implementing IOWs
- Monitoring and measuring process variables within established IOWs
- Communication of IOW exceedances
- Reviewing, changing and updating IOWs
- Integrating IOWs with other risk management practices
- Establishing roles and responsibilities in the IOW work process