API Certified Inspections are critical to maintaining safe and reliable assets. Important to the success of your company are these very assets you rely on each and every day. These include your plant processes, equipment and personnel. Amerapex specializes in providing personnel with the proper training, experience and certification to assist you in reaching your goals.
- Process Piping (API-570)
- Tank Inspection Services (API-653)
- Pressure Vessel Inspection Services (API-510)
- Pipeline Inspection Services (API-1104)
- Risk Based Inspection (RBI-API-580)
Additional inspection disciplines available!

API 510
Certified API 510 inspectors have a broad knowledge base relating to maintenance, inspection, repair and alteration of pressure vessels. Inspection and analysis of data is key to this role.
API 570
Certified API 570 inspectors have a broad knowledge base relating to the maintenance, inspection, repair and alteration of in-service piping systems. Analyzing, calculating, and testing are key to this role.
API 580
Certified API 580 inspectors have a high level of proficiency and understanding of Risk Based Inspection (RBI), which is an integral part of a mechanical integrity program.
API 653
The inspection of Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST) is the primary function of the API 653 inspector. They are trained in performing calculations in accordance with the API standard.